Neighbors helping neighbors in Denver, CO
A local solution to food insecurity
At The LoVVe Project, we partner with Denver Public Schools to meet families where they are - school campuses - to share free, nutritious, fresh groceries to ensure food access to neighbors in need.
While students may eat breakfast and lunch in school, our free choice markets ensure all family members eat in the evenings, weekends and throughout the summer when schools are closed.
Connecting families to free and fresh food
We procure food from local produce providers, ranchers, and dairy farms and from our partners Food Bank of the Rockies and We Don’t Waste. Our family of volunteers picks up and delivers food to our program sites.
During the school year, food is shared at free-choice food markets on site at Ellis Elementary School (Tuesdays) and McMeen Elementary School (Thursdays). Additionally, we host a market the last Saturday of each month to help families bridge the common financial gap that occurs at the end of each month.
We’re building community, bite by bite
While food is a persistent and unifying need that brings people together, there is perhaps nothing more important than building bridges within a community to create resiliency and ensure stability.
That’s why we also host annual community events including our Back to School Fiesta and Joy of Toys Celebration. Bringing people together in a celebratory environment creates space for new bonds to form and relationships to flourish.
We have seen families’ children grow up, celebrated new jobs, connected migrants to work opportunities, shared cross-cultural traditions, and supported others when ill or unable to pick up groceries. Together, we are stronger.
"Every child should start the school day in clean clothes with a belly full of nutritious food to fuel their minds so that they are energized, excited, and ready to learn"
Neighbors helping neighbors